Before you can use AI features in Macro Recorder, the desired cloud-based or self-hosted AI engine(s) must be initialized in PhraseExpress first:

PhraseExpress supports multiple online cloud-based AI engines and self-hosted options. You can configure them one after the other and switch between them in above dialog window as needed. This is a one-time procedure.

Benefits of cloud-based AI:
  • Fastest performance.
  • Access to latest language models.
  • Low computing resources required on your local PC.
Benefits of self-hosted AI:
  • No subscription required. There are no charges or fees.
  • No AI related data leaves your computer.
  • Independent from internet access.
Disadvantages of self-hosted AI:
  • Self-hosted AI has enormous hardware requirements that can cause long waiting times even on modern PCs. Consider using compact language models.
  • A selection of open-source language models may not be allowed for commercial use.
To enable an AI engine:
  1. Open the PhraseExpress settings and select the tab AI.
  2. Select the desired AI engine from the popup. You can use multiple engines. One is configured after the other.
  3. Configure the AI engine as described below.

PhraseExpress itself does not perform any AI processing itself but integrates 3rd party AI engines into the user interface.

Due to the early stage of AI technology, the AI text output can be nonsense and the feature is considered experimental. It is provided "as-is" and it is not part of the official PhraseExpress specification.

Language translation

The text translation feature is powered by the external online translation service "DeepL".

To use the DeepL translation service:
  1. Register an account at You would need the "DeepL API Free or Pro account":

  2. You will receive a personal "DeepL API key" (example: 43943f3fd-r46f-0kqeb-55c-6lk3l2s183ab8).
  3. Copy & paste the API key into PhraseExpress.

Keep your DeepL API key at a safe place. PhraseExpress stores the key with encryption and you cannot restore it from PhraseExpress.

Pricing and plans may change. We are not affiliated with DeepL. Please contact DeepL for DeepL support.

The translation algorithm seem to require textual context and seems to be better in translating sentences than in translating individual terms or words.

Phrases are transmitted over the internet with SSL encryption to the "DeepL" translation service.


Video tutorial

Using the commercial OpenAI service requires an "API key" which you receive after registering an account at

  1. Register an account at (select "API", not "ChatGPT"!).
  2. Go to your OpenAI user profile and create a personal "API key" (example: 43943f3fd-r46f-0kqeb-55c-6lk3l2s183ab8).
  3. Copy the API key into the clipboard.
  4. Open the PhraseExpress Settings » AI text processing.
  5. Select "OpenAI" as the Engine.
  6. Paste the API key into the API key input box.

A green check mark indicates successful activation in PhraseExpress:

Keep your API key at a safe place. PhraseExpress stores the key with encryption. You will not be able to restore it from there.

If the API key is not accepted, check if you mistyped or copied extra characters or spaces. Also, check funds and your account status.

Your prompts/text will transmitted over the internet to the "OpenAI" online service via a https port 443 to "" or "" .

PhraseExpress itself does not perform the AI processing but integrates the 3rd party service into the user interface. Fees may apply for each text processing.

Ollama (self-hosted)

PhraseExpress supports the free self-hosted AI engine "Ollama" with a variety of language models.

To enable Ollama:
  1. Open the PhraseExpress settings » AI.
  2. Select "Ollama" from the drop-down menu "Engine".
  3. Click "Configure". PhraseExpress will open the provider homepage.
  4. Download and install the Ollama software from the provider web page and then return to PhraseExpress.
  5. Select the desired language model(s). Please check Ollama homepage for details.

After download & installation, PhraseExpress lists all successfully initialized language models. Those can later be selected in the actual AI dialog windows.

Additional language models can be added/removed at any time in this settings window.


PhraseExpress comes with a selection of pre-defined presets to enable you using AI technology out of-the-box:

You can also create your own presets for quick access to frequently needed AI-powered text operations.

Adding new Presets

To create a new preset:
  1. Open the "PhraseExpress Settings » OpenAI"
  2. Click the Plus-button right next to the preset list.
  3. Under "Preset label", give your new preset a descriptive name.
  4. Under "Instruction", describe in natural words, how you want the AI to process the text:

You can now have quick access to your new preset by selecting any text in a phrase and right-clicking into the phrase contents.

Presets are saved in the PhraseExpress program configuration file.

Editing presets

To edit a custom preset, double-click the desired preset in the list, or select it and press the pencil icon.

Sample presets shipped with PhraseExpress cannot be edited.

Deleting presets

To select a preset, select it in the list of presets, click the trash bin in the lower right of the settings page and confirm the confirmation dialog.

Deleted sample presets shipped with PhraseExpress cannot be restored.

Custom instructions

In this dialog, you describe in natural language how you want the AI to respond.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents